About TURP
Just when you think there are no other options for treating the painful symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), there is a surgical method. Our experienced board-certified urologist, Dr. Tariq Hakky, is very skilled at performing transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), which is known as the "gold standard" in prostate health. The recovery period for TURP is more extensive in comparison to other treatments. However, the results should last longer for BPH symptoms.
In a TURP surgery, prostate tissue blocking the urethra is removed in order to open up the passageway for urine to flow. Dr. Hakky will not make an incision with the TURP technique. He will go through the penis and urethra to the prostate. Discover more about TURP in an appointment with Dr. Hakky at his office in Atlanta, GA. No referral is needed.
Other Options
You can also ask about other options during your consultation with Dr. Hakky, such as:
- Transurethral Incision of the Prostate (TUIP)
- GreenLight™ Laser PVP (Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate)
- Thermotherapies
- Rezum Water Vapor Therapy
Best Candidates
Making the decision to have a consultation for TURP is the first step in becoming a candidate for the surgery. Dr. Hakky would be happy to discuss the risks and benefits of surgical BPH treatments so that you can make an informed decision. Together, you and Dr. Hakky can make a treatment plan of what works best for you and your health.
Treatment Technique
On the day of your in-patient TURP surgery, you will go under a general anesthetic before it begins. Dr. Hakky will then insert a camera-guided resectoscope (sized for procedures like TURP) into the penis and through to the urethra. Once in place, Dr. Hakky will begin the prostate tissue removal. The resectoscope is powered by an electrical wire loop that Dr. Hakky will guide. The loop will sever sections of prostate tissue and close off the blood vessels. The process is repeated until a sufficient pathway is created. Irrigation fluid will flush out any remaining prostate tissue removed from the procedure. Also, a catheter will be put in place before you are taken to the recovery room.
What to Expect
The best thing you can do for yourself after a TURP surgery is rest. After you are discharged from the hospital, you may still have a catheter to help you urinate. Dr. Hakky will give you instructions on what you can and cannot do during your recovery. Your prostate may still be swollen or inflamed after the surgery, but that should subside over the course of the first week. You may also see blood in your urine, which is normal. He will want to see you in a follow-up appointment six weeks after your surgery. If you have questions before the follow-up, please call our office for assistance.

Plan Your Procedure
- Recovery Time
- 1 Week
- Average Procedure Time
- 30 Minutes
- Post-op Follow-up
- 6 Weeks
- Procedure Recovery Location
- Outpatient/Inpatient
Surgery Can Be An Option
If you have tried all of the other BPH interventions (medications, implants, minimally invasive therapies, and more), the TURP or TUIP surgeries are effective ways to remove prostate tissue. Board-certified urologist Dr. Hakky is very skilled at performing these procedures to help you live a better life without BPH. Schedule an appointment at Atlanta Cosmetic Urology in Atlanta, GA.