About Peyronie's Disease
Peyronie's disease (PD) is characterized by a curved or bent penis that was caused by fibrous scar tissue that occurred following trauma or injury to the appendage. The penis may appear most curved when it is erect and curvature may become more pronounced over time. PD is most commonly diagnosed in middle-aged men and may cause pain, stress, anxiety, embarrassment, decreased sexual pleasure, and erectile dysfunction (ED). Board-certified urologist and renowned microsurgeon Dr. Tariq Hakky offers superior diagnostic and treatment options for patients suffering from PD. To learn more about this condition and what can be done to treat it, contact Atlanta Cosmetic Urology to schedule your consultation. Our Atlanta, GA facility is proud to offer state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge solutions for your urological needs.
Peyronie's disease is caused by the penetration of the penis while it is not completely rigid. It can also be caused by a penile injury that affects the erectile bodies. These injuries cause microfractures of the corpora cavernosa and during the repair process, there is an inflammatory type of collagen that grows near the location of the injury, causing an abnormality of the corpora. Even minor injuries to the penis can cause the onset of plaque that will increase in size over time, leading to the presence of a curve. The condition is most common in men over the age of 55 with patients complaining of a curve that has increased in severity over the previous years. PD may also be linked to genetics, as well as the connective tissue disorder known as Dupuytren's contracture, a hand disease.
Peyronie's disease presents in many forms, such as a curve (with or without a visible plaque), bottle-necking, when the penis looks like a coke bottle at the base and narrows at the end, and hourglass deformity where the penis is shaped like an hourglass while erect. Not all penile curves are symptoms of Peyronie's disease as some men are born with a curve, which is called chordee. If you develop a new penile curve or the onset of penile pain, this may be indicative of Peyronie's disease. Symptoms may also include the inability to achieve or maintain an erection and decreased length. Due to the stress anxiety that often accompanies the condition, many men also experience decreased self-confidence, lower libido, and decreased sexual pleasure. When meeting with Dr. Hakky during your consultation, speak candidly about your symptoms and concerns while resting assured that your condition will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and compassion.
Treatment Options
The treatment modalities differ, depending on the erectile function. Xiaflex and penile stretching are more conservative and take minutes to perform while surgeries can take 30 – 90 minutes, depending on what is being done. After discussing your symptoms, medical history, and any aesthetic goals, Dr. Hakky will create a customized treatment plan that may include one or more of the following options:
Daily Cialis – When taken daily, Cialis has proven to decrease any discomfort associated with PD while decreasing penile plaque size and improving curvature. Cialis is the least invasive treatment for Peyronie's disease.
Vacuum stretching – This treatment can improve or stabilize curvatures related to PD. Vacuum stretching is safe in all stages of PD and can reduce the need for surgery.
Penile stretching – Penile stretching exercises, when performed correctly and daily, can help stretch the penile plaque and potentially straighten the curve.
Xiaflex – Xiaflex is the only FDA-approved medical treatment for Peyronie's disease. Xiaflex is administered in four cycles of eight shots, two shots in each cycle and six weeks between each injection. The shot takes five minutes to administer, but patients must refrain from sexual activity for 3 – 4 weeks. On average, the treatment reduces curves by 33%. Patients with a 90% curve in any direction or a downward curve are not candidates for Xiaflex.
Dot plication – This surgical technique is carefully performed by Dr. Hakky to manually decrease the severity of a penile curve caused by PD. Dot plication takes 60 minutes to perform and involves surgically shortening the straight side of the penis, bringing it back in line with the damaged side.
Patch graft – Patch grafting involves surgically removing the damaged corpora and patching it with an SIS or Tutoplast graft. The process takes around 90 minutes and can result in bruising or injury to surrounding structures and potentially weaker erections.
Penile implant – Often offered to men suffering from both PD and ED, a penile implant can be surgically installed to combat curvature and help patients achieve an erection. The placement of the penile implant takes 30 minutes during which time two cylinders are placed in the penis to correct the curve from the inside.
Restore Your Sexual Confidence
If you have PD with or without ED, you are likely suffering from decreased self-confidence and a lower quality of life than you deserve. Dr. Tariq Hakky is among the best urologists in the industry with the skill, experience, and commitment to help you take back your life and regain your sexual confidence. Schedule a consultation at our Atlanta, GA facility today to learn more about your PD treatment options.